I am pleased to offer a special thank you to
Jiggins from Con.tin.u.um and to
Charli at Broken Mannequin for honoring me with the Honest Scrap Award. I value both of these bloggers and I appreciate them thinking of me! Please pay
Charli and
Jiggins a visit! I will be passing this on to 7 other deserving bloggers!. Thank you again
Jiggins and
The rules for this award look pretty easy:
1. List 10 honest things about myself (TRUE and interesting things - not just the color of yours socks!)
2. Pass the award on to 7 bloggers
Ten Truths about Me:
1. My childhood was a contradiction in every area, but filled with love and music and also crazy unreasonable expectations.
2. As an adult I feel I have lived through a dozen lives. Sometimes I look back and think...did I really do that?...Think that? give up so much for that?... and on and on.
3. I had a dog that really belonged to my brother, Chuck, who named him Ole Pete but I pretended he was mine. I loved to dress him in bonnets and aprons. (I have no idea why.)
4. I had 13 cats growing up... even before I was in school. Any number of them slept in my room. One mother cat choose my bed to give birth to her kittens.
5. I have always been an observer. At age 3 and 4, our family lived on a farm before we moved to Ohio.. I watched my Dad drive a horse drawn skid for days while he was working. Then I jumped on ....without him.,... and did the same thing he had done. I can still remember how shocked I was to see him running behind me to catch me. I thought I knew exactly what I was doing!
6. I am dealing with some short term health issues that are scary to me because they slow me down! I am dealing with it. However, I am used to running through my life and ...I have always wanted to have it all, experience wise!
7. I had my first child when I was 16. I have three children and every year I see more I could have given them in the early years had I known what needed to be given..They say I make way too much out of that.
8. My mother said I have always been a champion of the underdog , children and animals.
9. I am in love with life and with the people in it. I started this blog because of that need to connect and the need to create. There is nothing I would rather do that meet new people AND I am always afraid for that initial moment that I will be rejected or not understood....Like everyone, I want to be loved and valued..
10. As a child, I wanted to go to live in Wyoming and be a crack shot...sort of like Annie Oakley:>)
The following bloggers are people who I hope have not received this award already but if they have they deserve two... They are also truthful and interesting writers and ones that I deeply appreciate for both their writing and the personal qualities I have come to know. I am holding one in reserve for another wonderful blogger I may not yet know!
Jesse Mendez at
The Art of JesseMatthew at
Wasteland of WordsChristina at
Another Day In ParadiseSteve at
Another Sober AlcoholicJacqueline Michelle at
Or WhateverRhi at
Talk 3 Talk 4BUTTERFLY AWARD from Christina
This is a great week for awards! Thank you Thank you!
I received this beautiful award from Christiana at
Another Day in Paradise.
I love and appreciate it AND it has all my favorite colors!. Thank you Christiana!
I would like to pass this award on to some of my favorite bloggers friends who
put time and thought and caring into creating beauty in their blogs. Thank you all for the sharing and caring!
Charli at
Broken MannequinRabbit at
Rabbit Can FlyChristine at
the Voice of the Sea WindHeather at
Singing With My Heart Stu at
陶明瀚...小学Cherie at
Butterfly DreamerLorenzo at